Things that make you go hmm...

Speak before you makes people wonder.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

a little insight

1. why do people insist on being miserable? it's like they draw themselves to other miserable people to see who can be the most miserable. i guess thats where the saying, "misery loves company", comes from. 2 north magnets, same sex individuals, sandals and white sock, cats & dogs, depressed people and handguns.....none of those belongs together. so why do the depressed seek out the depressed? why not find something or someone that might be happy. when your hungry you don't not eat....hoping the hunger will go away. when your ugly, you don't try to make yourself uglier (heaven forbid ron jeremy did that!). go find someone happy and safety pin your pants leg to theirs. it will make all the difference in your world.

2. i met the girl who wants my job. she sat by me during the inservice and wrote suggestion to me about my class on a piece of mead notebook paper. if i don't show up for work or church someday, it's because i'm dead in the parking lot. she probably has her resume in hand.....with just the date of submission left blank. on a side note....she had one of those fake pony tails in today, and there was an ant in her hair. i tried to brush it off forcefully, but my finger was stuck in the wig. i got my finger out and she still looked presentable. who knows what happened to the ant. thats what you get for trying to enjoy the sunshine during ant in your fake ponytail.

3. i hate 290. can someone please tell me another way.

4. i enrolled the KK's in tap and ballet. kenedy has 4 years under her belt and karson a solid 1 year. if lauren isn't enrolled, dave, you should have let me enroll her under my clan's name. i could have gotten a bigger price break. lauren works.

have you hugged a depressed person today? i would if i knew one.....

show me the money HISD...wait.....i dont get a paycheck until freakin' august 25!!!


(i can't afford to buy a vowel.)


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