Things that make you go hmm...

Speak before you makes people wonder.

Monday, September 13, 2004

the better to see you with my dear.......

it rained today. that means for us cypress-ites that 290 will be even worse than normal.......and it was. i people watched from my car. i saw a lady in a toyota camry pick her nose. i thought, "wow she's brave". i usually try to at least pretend like i'm looking for something underneath the seat. i also saw a guy with tinted windows picking his nose inside his truck. the truck was a nice shade of pale green.

today when i was outside with 1st grade, i saw a dad pushing his little 2 1/2 year old son in a pretty red grocery cart. i can't believe people do that in public. man, steal the cart and push your kid around your backyard. ....... maybe he's a big time criminal and stealing a grocery cart for him is like stealing a grape for me.

btw.....i'm glad to see that todd is back to blogging. let me warn all you bloggers....just about the time you get comfy with todd, he stops blogging......sit back and observe.........he may be picking his nose too.......



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