Things that make you go hmm...

Speak before you makes people wonder.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

cinnamon bread and grocery carts.....

yeah....they really pump me up. today i came to work, and i was presented a piece of cinnamon bread by mr. cornett. it wasn't the fluffy middle of the was the end..... just like i like it. don't ask me why, but i do. there are only two pieces to a loaf. i reckon they are like the drumsticks of a turkey. maybe i'll get the end of the cinnamon bread when corey gets that far into the loaf. if not, i hope he remembers how much i enjoy the butt of the loaf when he gobbles it up himself.

we have our very own foodtown grocery cart in the PE department now. WOO HOO!!! we spotted it upside down on a pile of dirt right by the school. mr. strawder rescued it and now it belongs to us. sorry foodtown. it's not like they are going to miss it. i've always wanted a grocery cart and now me and my ghetto butt have one. we can haul stuff around in it. it's kinda like the person who has always driven a compact car and they finally get a truck. you can find soooo many ways and things to haul around in it. before we know it people are going to want to start borrowing it. we might even have to move stuff for other people in it. are you jealous yet?

cinnamon bread butts and a foodtown grocery giving birth to a new baby.....



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