i call them "pons" or "sticks" on my refrigerator grocery list...
so i was in wal-mart buying tampons for a friend of an aunt, who has a second cousin by marriage. anyways......i was buying tampons for this person and i decided to buy the "assortment" pack. it's kinda neat guys....you get a couple of each different size and it comes in an enormous box. as i was checking out with my nerdy, pimple faced teenage checker he decides the tampons need to be demagnetized? he runs it across the demagnetizer a couple of times before he looks down at what he has chosen to demagnetize. upon realization he rolls his eyes and grabs my next item.....sugar free red licorice (which can have a laxative effect if too much is consumed).
so today we went to the dentist for the 3rd day in a row. yeah you read that correct......3rd freakin' day in a row. kenedy was "suppose" to have a procedure done monday but it didn't happen. she started crying and the general dentist wrote us our second referral to a pedonist. Karson went for a consult yesterday and today they both went......to the tune of $1,099.00.
kenedy= tooth extraction, space maintainer, filling, and sealant in all back teeth.
karson= cleaning, sealant in back teeth and frenectomy (cutting of the muscle between front teeth....and 3 stitches)
btw.....they also got flavored laughing gas, balloons, and an item from the treasure chest.....
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