sex, drugs and rock-n-roll.....
SEX: i'm married to man......any questions......?
DRUGS: been there done that. i want to confess something to the people who read my blog. i, amy lyn harris, am a pot head. i do it every day. the early morning works best for me. i like it ground really fine and the darker the better. i can't go with out it. i know it will eventually kill me, but we all have to go sometime....? i have gotten other people addicted. yes, i feel bad and i know i need help. the problem i find is that i have so many friends that do it. maybe i'm in the wrong crowd. i can buy it on the way to work at the place with the green thing on the sign. im an addict. can someone please help me turn off the coffee pot??
ROCK-N-ROLL: i like music. i can memorize any song. karson seems to be following in my footsteps. she likes ashlee simpson (thanks taddzilla!) and kelly clarkson. i seem to fidgit between 104, 94.5, 97.5 and 89.3. i usually go for the station that has the coolest song i know. i like ciara (sp?) and her 1-2 step.
ps.....i still have vicodin.....
ms. harris