Things that make you go hmm...

Speak before you makes people wonder.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


due to the "crapola" on blogger i will be blogging on myspace. email me for directions.

RIP 12/07/05

Saturday, September 17, 2005

try this for a laugh...


The Sinister Movie Reviewer

Friday, September 16, 2005

Say this 3 times real loud and luck is on your way!!

I am we Todd did. I am so berry we Todd did.


Wednesday, September 07, 2005


are you guys on a comment strike?

Big A

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What a Moron of an Oxy I am......

let me start off by saying.....we have a retarded house insurance lady. she cancelled our current house insurance instead of the house we sold in wharton like a year ago. so i sit here with an $800.00 check that may not even be mine (i am praying to God the mistake is in our favor and we are suppose to have this check). in short.....we have no house insurance. hopefully, by tomorrow morning chuck will have this all cleared up.

i went to wal-mart tonight. my list included: juice, CO2 detector with fire alarm, safety plugs for the outlets and 2 fire extinguishers. we have the fire marshall coming out thursday afternoon to do our fire inspection for the adoption. it's the last hurdle we have before we get down to the nitty gritty. speaking of fire safety....i came home after walmart and as i was pouring myself a bowl of cookie crisp i felt something hot. i had left the oven on since 5:00pm. it was 8:15pm when i realized my mistake.

if you think about house could have burned down with no insurance while i was out buying fire extinguishers. "God works in weird and awesome ways"---amy's own paraphrase.....

i also bought some new running shoes......they could have been used to run away from the fire i guess??

a to the m to the y

Thursday, August 25, 2005

i am the minority...


1. one jewish man
2. one gay librarian
3. one gay computer teacher
4. one very large black man
5. one grouchy black woman

i am the minority


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

i call them "pons" or "sticks" on my refrigerator grocery list...

so i was in wal-mart buying tampons for a friend of an aunt, who has a second cousin by marriage. anyways......i was buying tampons for this person and i decided to buy the "assortment" pack. it's kinda neat get a couple of each different size and it comes in an enormous box. as i was checking out with my nerdy, pimple faced teenage checker he decides the tampons need to be demagnetized? he runs it across the demagnetizer a couple of times before he looks down at what he has chosen to demagnetize. upon realization he rolls his eyes and grabs my next item.....sugar free red licorice (which can have a laxative effect if too much is consumed).

so today we went to the dentist for the 3rd day in a row. yeah you read that correct......3rd freakin' day in a row. kenedy was "suppose" to have a procedure done monday but it didn't happen. she started crying and the general dentist wrote us our second referral to a pedonist. Karson went for a consult yesterday and today they both the tune of $1,099.00.

kenedy= tooth extraction, space maintainer, filling, and sealant in all back teeth.
karson= cleaning, sealant in back teeth and frenectomy (cutting of the muscle between front teeth....and 3 stitches)

btw.....they also got flavored laughing gas, balloons, and an item from the treasure chest.....


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