Things that make you go hmm...

Speak before you makes people wonder.

Thursday, March 31, 2005 give the pope some cranberry juice.....

much fun was had at nancy's baby shower. she's as cute as a button. more fun was had after the shower was over. it so much fun to be around nancy and todd. they are two adorable people that fit together perfectly. somehow when nancy is around, everything is funny. i love it! here is an excerpt from my 5th grade autobiography that i made her read.....i will past the past and present and just make you guys read what i wrote about my future....

"in my future i want to become a veterinarian or a singer. i am going to be rich. i am also going to live in a two story house. i am also going to go to college but i don't know where. i am either going to live in texas or Tennessee. but if i live in texas i will live in beeville. my veterinarian clinic will be named after the street, like if my clinic is on pecan street, it would be pecan street veterinarian clinic. for a car i will have a cutlass ciera and a regular car. i will also have a small dog. my car will be blue. i think i will also own a store called amy's things. i will sell cute things with your name on it. at my house i will have a pool. it will be about as big as my room. if i don't do good in business i will be a fashion desighner. i will desighn fashionable clothes. i will sell them for a lot but not too much. this summer me, melissa w., and leah w. and we will also hire 1 to 2 more girls. we are going to sell little cards with your name on it. it will be 50 cents or 1 dollar depending on the size. i also plan to have a very fancy computer at my veterinarian clinic. at my house i will have a VCR and an atari too. i also plan to take many vacations like china, europe, and some states. i also want to meet a lot of famous people. for my summer vacation i hope we go to another state. if i don't get married i will live with a friend. she might even help me with my shop. when i get real old like about 50 years old i want to be a secretary at my veterinarian clinic. i will also have a lot of fancy machinery at my clinic. i hope a lot of people will come to my veterinarian clinic. but i think they will because it will be nice."

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


i also remember talking about jeans and painting houses. she has stuff she wanted to finish. mickey got what she wanted in the end...deep in the arms of Jesus.

she's been in His presence for about an hour and a half so far.

i hope her house is big and the rooms are painted perfectly....

life is the one you're with.

the end

the end. thats how this is starting off. go ahead and click another link if you're looking for something humorous, because this isn't going to be funny. i was going to start off telling you how my laptop died and how kenedy's hermit crab died, but that seems trivial. mickey is dying. she's dying tonight. i don't know what time, but it will be soon. maybe early tomorrow... she's officially brain dead. john is at the hospital waiting for her body to shut down so that they can harvest her organs. many people will live , laugh and love because of her, but not jabez and john. jabez won't even remember her....but we will. i remember the last conversation i had with her about a week before the aneurism. she and i were having coffee at church and talking about skiing and stuff. church was starting and she thanked me for the conversation and told me that she loved talking to me. she said she loved talking to young people and wondered what the barrier was between her and us (young people). she also told me that she and john had thought several times about leaving the church in the past year because they didn't have any close friends there. they stayed. now the legal fight for jabez starts....... laptop is getting fixed and i am buying kenedy a new hermit crab. how easy is that?


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

i'm getting a horse and buggy....

*i'm so old school. i still write checks. this unfortunately has it's disadvantages. i held up the line yesterday at the PO because i wrote a stupid check. everyone else was looking so classy with their credit and debit cards. at least i'm not so old school that i use cash.

*there is a farting epidemic going on at our school. the kids are passing gas like crazy. why? i didn't think it was cool to break wind? apparently it's the latest thing. so.....go ahead and try it. imagine how cool you will look doing it. yeah.......thats what the kids tell me.

*thanks cindie..........


Tuesday, March 08, 2005


there are some people i trust and some people i don't trust. as for the person in question i tried to give them the benefit of the doubt.....even when others are a "flamin'" 100% against it. i have come to the complete conclusion that this person thinks they can snowball me. as far as i'm concerned i don't trust this person as far as i can throw them. fyi....i can throw an 8# shot put and they wear about a size 2..........if that.



Monday, March 07, 2005

things we saw/i jinxed my kid

chuck and i decided to embrace the texas culture and sit in our garage while the kids played in the front yard. he played guitar and i held karson. it was very "sanford and son-ish". while we were there we saw two odd things. odd thing #1.....small girl, maybe about 4 years old, runs down our street in her panties with her elderly grandpa chasing her. weird huh? weird thing #2.......we saw a policeman riding a horse through our neighborhood. i wonder if he would get a ticket if his ride dumped a big load on maple mill dr.?

how i jinxed karson.
well.....first off i lied to the school secretary. i told her karson was sick and i was staying home with her on friday. she wasn't sick, i was going on a girls nite out thursday nite (limo and champagne included) and i didn't want to miss that. anyways.....karson comes home from daycare running a high fever and eventually she had diarrhea....and has had it for 3 days now. i should have said i can't come in because i'm going to win a million dollars.......i guess jinxes don't work that way? in the course of the nite thursday, my whole bridge came loose in my mouth. i had to get a dental appt. friday and get it recemented. darn myself for not telling the truth. i need to watch more veggietales.......

stay straight and tell the truth,

"Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you."

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

nada, nothing, zilch, zero.....

i have nothing to say. i can tell you whats going on and it will probably bore you. i'll hack it out anyways.......

the kids are testing at school for 2 freakin' weeks! i am here doing a whole bunch of nothing. i'm not complaining....just bored. the banana club is doing great. we are having regular meetings and eating banana's. i've been running consistently and it's getting easier. i don't get tired until about mile 4. i know i can do 10 miles easily. i just have to get my mind to believe it. i am planning nancy's shower and having a blast. i ordered her invitations and proofed them through sarah. they should be printing today! in other news, kenedy thought it would be cool to wrap hot pink mardi gras beads around her wrist for her school picture. not cool kenedy....but freakin' hilarious in about 10 years.


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